Plogging is a global movement that anyone can join
And it directly helps your community.
Bring some gloves and a small bag for trash the next time you go on a walk, jog, or run on your favorite community trail or route around your neighborhood. Pick up any litter you see along your route and let us know about the good work you are doing to keep your community beautiful!
It’s that simple!
SHARE / REPORT Your Plogging Cleanup
Picking up litter and Jogging!
Dinosaurs Plogging
Trail Running x Jogging
Parks and City
Skateboarding x Plogging
Beach Plogging
The Keep America Beautiful® TrashDash™ is the nation’s leading plogging event. TrashDash is dedicated to eliminating trash in America through individual action, community engagement, and exercise!
Get Going
Learn more about the origins of this movement, how it works, and what it takes to get out there
Leading by example
Our interview with the President of Iceland.
If you find yourself traveling the countryside of Iceland, there's a good chance you might catch sight of President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson taking part in his weekly activity of plogging.
Share Your Plogging Stories with Us!
Add to our stats - help us keep track of our community’s impact!
A new movement to keep our communities litter-free. Grab your helmet or lace up your boots and hit the trail!
Fjällräven Supports Plogging
Plogging Supplies at Fjällräven Stores (check with store for availabilty)
Plogging in the News
President of Iceland Joins Fourth-graders For Big Day of “Plogging”
Last Saturday was the annual Big Day of Plogging.
This is the third time Icelanders are encouraged to go jogging while picking up litter in their immediate environment. In Reykjavík, the event was led by the seven young girls of the “Nature Club”, a group of fourth-grade girls who were inspired by Greta Thunberg to spend their Sundays picking up litter.
Plogging in the news
Prime Minister of India Plogging
Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India went ‘plogging’ on a beach in Mamallapuram where picked up plastic litter and other waste during his morning walk. The session lasted for over 30 minutes after which PM Modi handed the collection to a hotel staff.
Erik Ahlstrom
Erik is the founder of Plogging and we have partnered with him for promoting the Plogging concept globally.
Promote the global mission of cleanups in every country.
Bring together individuals and organizations to encourage a clean outdoors.
We are excited about the quality of life that comes from exposure to the outdoors. Life is better when it's as Mother Nature intended.